When Elliot appeared in my dreamzzz
Just woke from a very vivid dream of Elliot leaving for a night out with friends. At the last minute he wanted to borrow money, which Donna gave him & I said I’ve give it her back. He left to go on the mini bus, but ran back to me with some of the money as he didn’t need all of it.
As he ran back towards the bus, his years fell away and became younger & younger and was last around 5.
I kept calling out, just come home to me, come home to me, come home to me...
I woke up crying... checked the time on my phone and it was 3:17 💔😔
Woke up and through closed eyes felt it was daylight, but when I opened my eyes it was still dark. I checked the time, and saw that it was 2:25am, Elliot’s birthday is 22.5
12 AUGUST 2020
Just woke up from a very vivid dream where Elliot was in the same room as me and he was very happy and dancing and smiling and having a lovely time.
Every time that I looked at him in the dream he was different ages, but always happy, always smiling. It was like I was looking at him knowing what was happening, knowing that he had died and I burst out crying. He came to help me, to consoled me, it was lovely.
Elliot saw me crying and hug me he said, daddy have I done something wrong? I just kept crying and I said no. When I woke up I was hugging my pillow so very tightly.
When I checked the time to make a record of my dream, it was 01:01.
I was on a train going to a football match, and there was a busker on the train, I think he was Italian. He was playing a type of small string instrument.
On the outside of the carriage, because he didn’t have a ticket was Elliot, and he was like hitching a ride on the outside of the train!
Then the train stopped about two stations short of the destination, and I was able to let Elliot on the train. As the door opened from the front, not the side, Elliot ran onto the train and when he saw so many empty seats that it made him angry and wanted to complain to somebody! He called out, 'this is ridiculous' and run on ahead.
He wasn’t aware that the passengers had left their seats to move closer to watch the busker.
I called him back, but he just ran off. As he ran up the train, it widened in its appearance and opened up at the top and became like a High Street, and Elliot disappeared into the distance.
It was quite typical of Elliot wanting to complain, I found it quite funny it made me smile.
HI LUV 24.08.2020
I was in my bedroom getting dressed and I could see an outline of someone in the hallway. The door slowly opened and in walked Elliot. He was wearing his black donkey jacket. Nothing was said, he just looked at me and smiled. Beautiful xx